Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3/19 Update

Good evening everyone!

A few reminders this evening.

- Picture day is tomorrow (Wednesday, March 20th) all athletes have received a red jersey but will need to wear navy blue or black SHORTS for our team picture. If you would like individual pictures please send the photo form you were given at the parent meeting. If you did not get one but would still like pictures your child will be provided one to bring home so you can order later. If you have questions let Coach Stegman or Coach Dentler know!

- Thursday and Friday the weather is to continue as it has rainy and/or snowy and/or cold and/or windy and/or otherwise not the greatest conditions for track. It is extremely important for athletes to dress prepared to practice outside. That means, sweatpants, sweatshirt, jacket, gloves, hat, rain gear, etc. We still have an athlete or two each day arriving in blue jeans, this is unacceptable.

- Spring break: We will be having practices as indicated on the schedule shown below. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday afternoons. We are lucky to have TW Varsity runner (and state champion), Jalen Wells, join us to help out each day. Athletes: if you are in town you are expected to be at practice, start organizing ride shares now so getting to practice is not a problem! Once spring break hits we will only have 5 practices before our first meet.

- Paperwork! Paperwork! Paperwork! Pre-game meal (sub) forms as well as spirit wear order forms are due THIS FRIDAY (March 22nd). If you would like these items this is the only time orders will be accepted. Further, all district paperwork (Cautions form, ATOD) and the participation fee ($125) is due prior to the first meet - any athlete that does not have completed paperwork or paid fees will not be permitted to participate. If the participation fee is going to be a hardship please contact Mr. Mosca at Worthingway (wmosca@worthington.k12.oh.us). Again, if you have questions please contact Coach Stegman or Coach Dentler.

- Volunteering: we have a good number of parents that have signed up to help out at various meets throughout the season. If you haven't signed up yet, please do so! WE NEED YOUR HELP!

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