Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tomorrow (@ Grizzell) and Saturday (Worthington Invitational)

Good evening,

I hope this post finds everyone well, today was a beautiful day for track practice! I need everyone to do a rain dance to keep bad weather away for tomorrow and, especially, Saturday. Below, you will find information about both events.

1) Grizzell - The hosting team (Grizzell, duh) has placed a limit on the number of athletes permitted to run in each of the 100, 200, and 400 as well as both hurdling events at 12. With that in mind the coaching staff first went by times posted this season to allow the 12 fastest kiddos to have first choice in running those events, we then went by preference and made changes as best we could, then some were asked to try an event they haven't before or perhaps that isn't usually an event the prefer to fill out the meet schedule. Please know that coaching staff has made every effort to get athletes in 3 events but space and time didn't allow for this to happen in a few cases. On that note, the events lists are posted below, after that, directions to Grizzell.

2) The Worthington Middle School Invitational - First, it is our expectation that every member of the track team attend this invitational whether or not you are competing. There are many things that need done during the meet that require a non-competitor to help with. For example, hurdle crew, we've done such a fantastic job with this at not only our home meets but at away meets as well, some teams aren't so quick to help out at away meets. Another example would be with field events, each field event will have an official running the event but it is helpful to have non-competitors pull-tape in the shot put or discus; retrieve implements; or rake the pit for long jump. Please wear Cardinals track gear, support your teammates, and help out when/where needed. Our team locker room will be in the field house on the north side of the building (it is usually the girls track locker room) ALL ATHLETES (competitors and non-competitors) should arrive to TW by 8:30 AM! Second, I have included both an information sheet (Meet Program) that went out to all teams that has a lot of great information to read about as well as the events list as it stands right now (very bottom of the post). Please note, the results of Wednesday's meet could change our line-up for Saturday significantly, no spot is secure. Lastly, parents, thank you so much for volunteering to work our home meets as well as this Invitational. We are still in GREAT NEED of parent volunteers. Please consider signing up, especially to sell tickets. The electronic scoring system used for this meet is extremely expensive so tickets need sold to off-set this cost. Any profits made are put directly back into the track program - we have never been told we couldn't purchase an item needed for our athletes (field implements, measuring tape, a new tent, etc.) because we have done so well in selling tickets. Please, please, please consider signing up to help out: CLICK HERE TO HELP OUT!

3) Banquet - I have been made aware of a Worthingway conflict that may cause us to move the date of our banquet so please keep an eye on the blog for more information on that. Also, if you have taken any photos during the season feel free to use the following e-mail address to load photos: with25708@dropevent.com or use the URL to add (and see pics) right away: http://dropevent.com/gallery/with25708. Video CANNOT be uploaded to this site so if you have video burn it to disc or add it to a thumb drive and drop it off to Coach Stegman.

Directions to Grizzell from Worthingway - (270 W to 161/33 W exit Avery Road after a little over 3 miles turn left into the parking lot.)

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