Thursday, May 5, 2011

Grizzell, Sells/Karrer Debacle, Subway, Saturday (UPDATED: May 6th - Meet Information)

* Events List for Worthington Invitational: Athletes, both those participating and those not, should plan to arrive at TWHS between 9:15 & 9:30 to begin warming up. The coaches meeting begins at 9:30 so a coach may not be able to meet you right away. We will be setting up out team camp near the shot put ring and the shed that is in that area of the stadium. Please get yourself situated at the team camp then head to the track for 2 warm-up laps and dynamic stretching.

* Grizzell: I still have a smile on my face from what happened at Grizzell yesterday - everyone competed well, the meet went VERY smoothly, and the rain stayed away!
I will post the results here in the next few hours - great job everyone!

* Sells/Karrer Debacle: I am still having an issue with the results from the coaching staff of Sells. We may never get satisfactory results, I am hoping that we will not be competing with them in the future as this has happened two years in a row now. As soon as I get results (or something that looks like results I will post them).

* Subway: The management of our Subway order has changed mid-season, I think the gentleman handling our order had the best intentions in modifying their policy but I can understand the frustration in not recieving what you asked for at the beginning of the season. Please e-mail the gentleman handling our orders directly to express your frustration, maybe we can get things ironed out for our last meet next week with KMS: - by the way his name, Jed Kreager.

* Saturday: The coaching staff is working on the event list for Saturday, there are so many great individual performances we are struggling with placing athletes so they may be both competitive and have the opportunity to score!

Thank you so much to every who has volunteered! I am still short one or two volunteers for the ticket booth - it will be the last shift from 11:30 until 1:00.

Also, I have NO volunteers for the hospitality tent...if anyone is willing the time of greatest need is between Noon and 1 PM.
Also, I have not heard from Karen Fraley about anyone passing along donations. Please see previous posts here about who we would like to contribute and what to contribute!

Lastly, please bring your cameras to the meet - we would like to put together a photo/video montage for the banquet so let's get some pics of our athletes in action. Thanks in advance to Doug Althauser - he is working on editing down his MASSIVE collection of photos to contribute!

As always, any questions send me an e-mail:

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