* Sells/Karrer:
I am still waiting to receive results from the Sells coach, he is sending them electronically. Everyone did a great job considering the weather yesterday - I had to wear a different pair of shoes this morning because the pair from yesterday were still wet. I know of a few PR's (personal records) that were set despite the conditions - more to come on that when I get the results. Overall, the coaching staff is very pleased!
* Grizzell:
(1) See the events list below!
(2) Volunteers are being secured by Grizzell - woo! But if you have already committed please plan on attending and helping out where necessary.
(3) Directions and map -
Take 161 towards Marysville exit at Avery-Muirfield Drive, turn right.
In about 1/2 a mile turn left onto Avery Rd.
The school is on your left, a little less than 2-1/2 miles. Once you see tennis courts on your left the entrance to the school is the next left.
View Larger Map
* Worthington Invitational:
We're making progress...it looks like we need to fill a few more positions.
Relay/Exchange Judges and Breakline Judges - these positions are very easy. If you are planning on attending the meet this is a great job so that you can see the events up close. Quick explanation: see if exchanges happen outside the exchange zone, hold a flag if there are (or are not) problems. Breakline judge - 800M and 1600M start in lanes then break at a certain point to lane 1, make sure every does this correctly (not before the cones).
I mis-posted earlier...we would like athletes to provide items according to the list below:
7th grade boys - Case of water
7th grade girls - juice boxes
8th grade boys - cookies
8th grade girls - snacks or granola bars
If you have purchase something using the other list, no big deal - you can bring it to practice when you pick your child up any day this week or to TWHS Saturday before the meet.
Each team is permitted to have one athlete participate per event plus those on relays. That will leave a good number of athletes out of the mix for Saturday - we NEED all hands on deck to help fill in if we don't have enough volunteers or if volunteers don't show. Those competing in the meet should arrive by 9:15 and begin warming up - we will have a team meeting at 9:45 or immediately as soon as the coaches meeting is finish. Location: TBA.
As always if you have any questions, e-mail (jstegman@worthington.k12.oh.us)!
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